The Princeton Cultural Plan is now ready for action after almost a year of research and months of community consultation. The final plan identifies key arts, culture and heritage issues within Princeton and Area H and proposes a way forward through the accompanying implementation plan.
The five goals identified to address these key issues were to: increase visibility of arts & culture in Princeton; ensure sustainable events & organizations; showcase and celebrate our community heritage; reinforce arts, culture & heritage's importance to the growth & appeal of Princeton; and to improve inclusivity and accessibility.
The community will now move forward in achieving these goals through a number of strategies and actions that will increase people's awareness of arts and culture activities as well as improving communication and accessibility. A key element of the plan is to bring arts, culture and heritage groups together to share ideas and resources to ensure better functionality. One of the ways this will be achieved is by establishing a bi-yearly festival and events committee meeting to discuss organizational and support questions.
The plan committee feel that this is a great time to take a look at the future with the town's expansion, the renovation of the Museum and the establishment of exciting new events in the community. The Princeton Community Arts Council will continue to lead the process and will oversee implementation.
The document, including the implementation plan, is available for review below or by dropping into the Sunflower Gallery at 105 Vermilion Avenue.
We are now in the implementation stage of the plan and are already starting to achieve some of our goals. If you would like to be involved in the implementation of the plan or would like more details please e-mail
Future Planning for the Princeton Arts Council Underway